The Big Chuck

I am the best Mom in the world! I survived the dreaded Chuck E. Cheese birthday party! And the kids loved it. $275 later, I have showered and decontaminated and although I am a bit befuddled as to the final price tag, it is over! And really, that's all that matters, isn't it?
We had a fun group of kids. Most parents did the drop-off, and really, who could blame them? There was only one point in which I could not locate 1 of the 18 kids left in my care, and it was just a moment. (Thank God the moment was over just prior to his Mom showing up!) In my defense, he was present at all times - I just couldn't see him. Maybe it was all the germs and chaos clouding my vision?
But the birthday boy enjoyed himself immensely. And scored some serious toys. Cool LEGOs, spy gear, Power Rangers and nifty vehicles. All of the stuff that a seven-year old boy craves. And I have had a glass of wine - which is exactly what I craved through it all! (I did consider medicating, but it wasn't worth the use of a precious Ativan, nor truly necessary. Just a fleeting thought.)
Gladly, I am now able to focus on my evening with J. tomorrow night. He's heading up to take me out to dinner. I am looking forward to it like crazy! He has something up his sleeve, but I am surprisingly willing to go along with it. He's picking me at at 6:00, because there's something that he wants to do before our dinner reservation at 8:00. I have no clue. And that's really nice for me, for a change. Because I am always the one with the plans. Always the one with the clue. And it's nice to be taken care of, even if it's just for one evening. Although I have a feeling that it could be a lot more than that.
Now I am off to survey the closet and determine what to wear. Since he's only seen me in camo pants and a wife-beater, it shouldn't be too hard to beat. So why the incessant desire/need to go and buy something new? Must fight the shopping urge! Must wear something in my over-stuffed closet!
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