Tuesday, February 28, 2006

UPDATED! Way too much information . . . not for the faint-hearted!

Ok . . . why I am compelled to share this? I have no idea. Probably because I just spent 20 minutes laughing (to myself) so hard that it was difficult to remain standing.

First, when you prep for laser hair removal, you have to shave everywhere that you want the laser to remove hair. They recommend that you have help in order to gain perfect symmetry. Well, J has been gone for 9 days, so he is no help! There's no way I would ask anyone else (aren't y'all glad of that?)

It's a slippery slope, I tell ya. A little from this side to even it up, then a little from the other. I'd venture to guess that a lot of women get a lot more bare than their original intention. Not that I would know or anything. Just an educated guess!

Then you have the application of a numbing cream. Um, down there. In the girly-bit region. I'm thinking I could have just gone to my next-door neighbor (who sells for Passion Parties) and bought some of her numbing cream, thereby saving myself the embarrassment of having the pharmacist "consult" with me about the specific use. And the numbing? Really a bit more like burning.

The final fun came in the form of the SARAN WRAP DIAPER. Learn from me, people! If you think SARAN WRAP is sometimes tough to use when covering the salad bowl? Try fashioning a diaper, ON YOURSELF, when covered in numbing cream. Just try it. It's good fun!

And yes, if you were wondering, I do make noise when I walk. A lot of noise. Won't be running errands on the way to the treatment center!

OK, I am back, with an update of my soon-to-be hairless coochie experience, for all to enjoy!

First off, I countered the cellophane noise by wearing nylon track pants - I am one smart cookie! But I still didn't stop to run errands! A note for future experiences with Saran Wrap . . . always leave a pull tab . . . a place to start the unraveling process. Because, combined with the numbness, it was difficult to unwrap the sticky goodness.

Second, and most importantly, when choosing your treatment, you may opt for "bikini" which is hair outside of the fold of your leg. Or you may opt for "total bikini" which is anything more. What I did not recall ever discussing or choosing is "designated parts of bikini area AND THE CRACK OF MY ASS." But apparently I did make that choice. Not enough numbing cream in the world for that one, ladies. Holy crap. I managed to mumble the (really) bad words into the pillow, but geez, Louise! It hurt! Plus, I was feeling a little cheap! Here I paid her, I'm on my hands and knees, she's all up in my business and I don't even get a nice night on the town? Or a cigarette when it was over? That girl touched parts of me that shouldn't be touched, just so yah know! (Actually she was uber-professional and I really like her, so I guess that's a good thing when someone is really "into" you with a laser.)

I do think it will be worth it, I really do. And this was the worst of it, I think. I hope. Next time, I'll be sure to apply the good 'ole cream to even the most hidden bits. 'Cuz those were the spots that hurt the worst!


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