Monday, March 13, 2006

A Clarification, re: the Ring

When I referred to the Nuva Ring in an earlier post (or two), I apparently confused some folks. Not surprising, given that I brought it up at about the same time that I had an engagement ring placed on my finger.

The Nuva Ring is from the devil, if you will recall. The engagement ring is from the love of my life.

The Nuva Ring is a hormonal method of birth control, also used to regulate hormones. In my case, it caused the following symptoms: weight gain, lowered sex drive, severe irritability, depression, bitchiness, near psychosis, and did I mention lowered sex drive and depression?

It was not a good thing. Unfortunately, the hormones do not immediately leave your body when you remove the ring. It takes time. And dear Lord, I hope that time is soon coming. As does J, I'm sure!

Anyway, TMI, I know, but too many people asked what type of reaction I was having to my engagement ring, so I had to clarify! Have a good night and pray that the power of the Nuva Ring will soon be defeated!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so cute! The pictures were definitely a bonus! Now I know I'm not the only one who misunderstood your illustrious ring reaction.

10:29 PM  

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