Friday, January 27, 2006

Finally, a Moment or Two . . .

What a freakin' couple of days! I am only an 80% employee. Which typically translates into having some flexibility and not working most Fridays. Today was not one of those Fridays! I started at 5:00 am. Took D to school, came back to "finish" up a few pertinent projects, and got sucked into a whirlwind of craziness.

We have a few projects that go to public hearing next week. Today, apparently, was the day that everyone was going to freak . . . about all of them! Between the attorneys, reporters and Commissioners, I ran my phone battery down to nothing by 11:00 am. I finally finished at 3:30. My office looks like it exploded. I am going to ignore it, at least for a while!

J is down at the base for the weekend. We had toyed with idea of D and I going down tonight and seeing a movie, having dinner and coming back up tomorrow morning. We decided that both D and I needed a bit of time at home, just relaxing and catching up. It was a good decision, given what today turned into! We may go down tomorrow night, if we feel like it, but it feels good right now to have nothing to do tonight.

For those who know my history, you know that my nickname is Fertile Myrtle. I am also a paranoid freak. So I ripped my hormone patch off a few days early since I was PMSing so badly. I expected to start my period within moments. But I didn't. So I freaked. Fifteen minutes prior to our first counseling appointment together, I decide that I must take an EPT - right then! So we bought a box (looking ahead to future freakiness) and I peed on one in the bathroom at the counselor's office. And then obsessively checked it for the next five minutes. See, I'm used to positive pregnancy tests. I didn't know what a negative looked like! So I made J run out to get the instructions and confirm it. I was absolutely NOT pregnant, and of course, started my period within about 30 minutes of having taken the test. Of course!

He was amazingly great about it though. He knew I wasn't pregnant. I knew (in my head) that I wasn't. We talked about it a lot. He is so good to me. He flat out said that if it's meant to be, it'll be. Now I'm a bit surprised that I'm kinda sad. I want different timing. I don't ever want to repeat the pregnant before married scenario again. But I'm still kinda sad!

OK, I'm off to make dinner for D. Which will be eaten in front of the TV. Because we can, damn it!


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