Monday, February 13, 2006

Home again . . .

I hate learning things about myself! REALLY!
1. I like to be in control.
2. When I feel out of control, I might get a little bitchy.
3. When given the opportunity to eat, I will. Even if I am not hungry in the slightest.
4. When I eat a lot of crap, I get fat and bloated.
5. When stressed, I take it out on the people I love the most.
6. I crave being at home, doing "my thing" . . . whatever that means.
7. When I can't do "my thing" "my way" I am not always very nice.
8. When in a pinch (as in pulling a "C" card for boarding on Southwest), I have no problem saying that I'm pregnant for pre-boarding. There I said it. So sue me! It's hard to travel alone with a child, even when he is the world's most experienced traveler and does an amazing job of transfers, exchanging local currency and trying local cuisine. Waiting in line for an hour for an unassigned seat? Lame.
9. I still put a lot of pressure on myself to be a perfect mother, future daughter-in-law and wife-to-be.
10. I am so tied to my routine that I cannot poop when traveling. Especially when traveling with my intended.
11. I miss the everyday basics of my life. I missed certain worship songs this morning when I missed church.
12. I can still worship. even if it is with a cognizant change of my selfish attitude or with the help of iTunes at 11:10 pm.
13. I am blessed beyond measure and need to learn how to infiltrate that into my every breath.


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