He's Coming Back Tomorrow . . .

My Grandpa was transported to rehab today. As if he doesn't already have enough troubles, the medi-trans service didn't secure his wheelchair in the van. So they took the corner and Grandpa starts rolling. Shouldn't that be something that you double check? Fortunately, he's OK. Shaken, but OK. I feel so badly for him right now. He so desperately wants to remember and be cognizant, but he's unable to grasp the basic details. So there's a lot of repeating. And he's emotional about it. He's scared and frustrated all at the same time. Who could blame him?
On to other matters . . . J and I have had the big talk about if and when he deploys, and how I will handle it. I completely (150%) support his participation in the military. It's a big part of who he is. It's a big part of his honorable nature that drew me to him. That being said, I am missing him so much. AND HE'S 1.5 HOURS AWAY . . . FOR TWO DAYS! What the heck am I going to do when we're talking months? Throw into that mix a bit of danger and I may get a little crazy. Or crazier than I currently am, anyway. But I'll pull it off, because he is so incredibly worth it.
I had no ability to know how much of my heart he would hold in such a short amount of time. My connection with him feels centuries old . . . not 8 days. What an unexpected blessing! I am so grateful. I saw a question on a message board today about recognizing Jesus if He stood next to you, and what you would say to Him. Right now, I would just say,"thank you." For both His sacrifice (obviously) and the unexpected blessing of finding true love - when I had given up all hope.
I had an amazing talk with my Gram today. (Hi, Gram!) She sees it in my face. She trusts me enough to forgo the math equation and allow my heart to overflow. She has such wisdom and such a loving nature. It has long been her desire to see both my Mom and I happy before she passes on. I think that she has many more years left in her, but that she will see that dream come to fruition in this year. When I tell her how he makes me feel and what an amazing man he is FOR ME, she just nods. She completely gets it and that acceptance is invaluable to me. I am so blessed to have had her my life for so long and to have such a phenomenal relationship with her.
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